
Book Review: Mythos: A Retelling of the Myths of Ancient Greece by Stephen Fry


Hi Agapité File,

At work I have started listening to audio books again. The first book I decided to listen too is was Mythos by Stephen Fry. I love Stephen Fry he is on my dream dinner party guest. I could listen to him talk for hours, this is why I picked the Audio book instead of a physical book.

Mythos is a great book to listen to for people who no or do not know about Greek mythology.

As the title suggest the book is about Greek Mythology from the beginning of creation to Mathus ass ears.

I knew some of the story, but found more enjoyment in them from Stephen story telling. He really brings the stories to life.

By listening to this book I learnt I lot about the Gods especial how to anger a Gods. Encase you every bump into a greek Good never;

  • Say you are better at something than a God (Really bad idea)
  • Say a God didn’t keep his word
  • Do not agree with a God
  • Say No to a God
  • Kill a God animal
  • Seeing a God bathe
  • Do not be hospitably to a God.
  • Lie to a God
  • If the grant you a wish be very careful and think of every angle.


It might be best to avoid the Greek Good at all cost.


One of my favourite elements of the book was who names in Greek Myth are used in today language and how we get the name for, spiders, rivers, flowers etc.

The next book is Heroes and I can’t wait to start listening to in next week in work.

My rating for Mythos is 5 out of 5

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Thanks for reading,

Gem x