Book Review, Fantasy, Romance, Urban Fantasy

Book Review: Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels #10) by Ilona Andrews

Hi Ami,


Todays review is Magic Triumphs by Kate Daniels. Magic Triumphs is the final book in the Kate Daniels series. This series is one of my favourite urban fantasy. 


Kate life has changed, she is no longer the mercenary loner. She now has found love and started a family with the former Beast lord of Atlanta Curran Lennart. 

Kate’s power powers make her too strong for other power players to leave her alone. One of those power players is her own father Roland. They have come to an uneasy truce. She know that sooner than later Roland will break the truce and they will be at war. 

The Witch Oracle has seen a  visions of blood, fire, and human bones. When a mysterious box is delivered to Kate’s doorstep, a threat of war from the ancient enemy who nearly destroyed her family, she knows their time is up.

Kate Daniels sees no other choice but to combine forces with the unlikeliest of allies. She knows she will be betrayal. She knows she may not survive the coming battle. But she has to try. For her child. For Atlanta.For the world


Magic Triumphs is the perfect ending for an amazing series.  I am truly going to miss this world. 

I had many idea about what I thought would happen in the final book, but this book surprised me in a good way. By bring in another bad guy it helped keep the tension in the story. It also help make the final battle and epic one. 

One of my favourite elements of the books is Kate dealing with motherhood, I would happily read more about what Conlan gets and how Kate deals with it. She would be a mother that I would follow on Facebook or Twitter to hear these stories. 

Magic Triumph was never boring, it kept me entertained and gripped throughout the whole story. When I picked Magic Triumphs and started reading it was like seeing old friends again, where you start off where you were last, it’s like no time has passed sine you last saw each other. 


Magic Triumphs has:

  • Action
  • Romance
  • Magic
  • Battles
  • Dragons
  • Were animals 
  • Sword fighting 
  • Comedy

If you are a fan of Urban Fantasy that mixes action and romance then I would advise picking up the Kate Daniels series. If you can read the series in order so you fully understand Kate evolution. 

My rating Magic Triumphs is 5 out of 5. 


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