Fantasy, mystery, Romance, Urban Fantasy

Book Review: Serpentine (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter #26) by Laurell. K. Hamilton

Hi Cara,

I have returned to the world of Anita Blake Vampire Hunter. Book 27 Sucker Punch comes out in August 2020, so I thought it was about time that I read book 26 Serpentine.

Vampire hunter Anita Blake has managed to overcome everything she faces. But this time there’s a monster that even she doesn’t know how to fight…

A remote Florida island is the perfect wedding destination for the upcoming nuptials of Anita’s fellow U.S. Marshal and best friend Edward. For Anita, the vacation is a welcome break, as it’s the first trip she gets to take with just wereleopards Micah and Nathaniel. But it’s not all fun and games and bachelor parties…

In this tropical paradise, Micah discovers a horrific new form of lycanthropy, one that has afflicted a single family for generations. Believed to be the result of an ancient Greek curse, it turns human bodies into a mass of snakes.

When long-simmering resentment leads to a big blowout within the wedding party, the last thing Anita needs is more drama. But it finds her anyway when women start disappearing from the hotel, and worse–her own friends and lovers are considered the prime suspects. There’s a strange power afoot that Anita has never confronted before, a force that’s rendering those around her helpless in its thrall. Unable to face it on her own, Anita is willing to accept help from even the deadliest places. Help that she will most certainly regret–if she survives at all, that is…

Serpentine drop the reader back into the dram of Anita Blake personal life. Although there is a mystery, I gelt the book is more about her personal life than her work life.

There are no real surprises in Serpentine, Anita working on her anger issues but she is still dealing with the same issues in her relationships. There hasn’t been much growth in her character. I like the fact that Anita isn’t perfect and has phobia and issues. But I  want her to be stronger in what she wants in her life and not dictated by everyone else’s needs.

The mystery that Anita and the Wedding party (Tes/Edwards wedding to Donna) get dragged into is fascinating. I wish more time had been spent on the case.  As it introduces us to power/ abilities that we haven’t seen before.

The one thing I like about Serpentine is the way Anita doesn’t hide the fact she lives a different lifestyle. She loves many people and shes a female marshall. It’s interesting seeing different people reactions to her and her group

Serpentine has some great quotes, below are some of my favourites;

“Sometimes you fall in love all at once, and sometimes you fall in love gradually, and sometimes you look up and are surprised as hell at whom you’re in love with.”

“Nice to know even the Immortal hated extra cardio.”

“It was supposed to be the perfect travel bag, but as always when it came to women’s purse, it was a lie. Every purse comes with its own movable black hole that eats things and spits them back out later.”

“Guns could run out of Ammo, but a sharp blade was always ready.”

Serpentine is enjoyable and easy to read book, but it isn’t the book to start the Anita Blake series with. But if you have previously read books from the series it a nice book to revisit the characters.

My rating for Serpentine is 3.8 out of 5.

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