Book Review, Fantasy, YA

Book Review: Rage (Stormheart #2) by Cora Carmack

Hi Cara,

I have finally got round to reading the second book in Cora Carmack Stormheart series Rage.

Princess or adventurer.

Duty or freedom.

Her Kingdom or the Stormhunter she loves.

If Aurora knows anything, it’s that choices have consequences. To set things right, she joins a growing revolution on the streets of Pavan.

In disguise as the rebel Roar, she puts her knowledge of the palace to use to aid the rebellion. But the Rage season is at its peak and not a day passes without the skies raining down destruction. Yet these storms are different—they churn with darkness, and attack with a will that’s desperate and violent.

This feels like more than rage.

It feels like war.

(synopsis from

Rage is a great second book. As the character grows, the plot expands and the action, romance and revelation and entertaining.

One of my favourite element of Rage is the cast of character. Aurora is strong in her decision to save Paven and her people. I like that she wants to make the world a better place. Her connection with Kiran is heartwarming to read, it’s not simple or easy but they work at it.

I love Cora writing style, I feed it so easy to jump right back into the story. It’s the type of book that when I was halfway through it I was surprised as it felt like no time had really passed.

Another aspect I enjoyed is that the story is told in a couple of point of view. I loved reading Aurora journey to accepting the crown. Kiran journey as he battles what he wants. Nova strength and accepting her true self. Cassius was the POV that surp[ised me the most, as he works out what he wants in life.

Below are my favourite quotes from Rage;

“It was clear the prince was obsessed, and that obsession had worn down his regal facade, letting the darkness inside him show through.”

“Aurora did not know yet, but this wall would not stand between her and her friend. Nothing would.”

“This is who I am. I either accept it, or live forever as a fragment of a whole.”

“If I am to rule a Kingdom, surely that begins with the right to rule myself at the very least.”

My rating for Rage is 4.6 out of 5.


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