Book Review, Crime Fiction, mystery, Thriller

Book Review: Black Summer (Washington Poe #2) by M.W Craven

Hi Cara,


I was craving crime fiction so I decided to pick up and read Black Summer. Black Summer is the 2nd book in M.W Craven, Washington Poe series. The first book in the series is The Puppet Show


After The Puppet Show, a new storm is coming . . .

Jared Keaton, chef to the stars. Charming. Charismatic. Psychopath . . . He’s currently serving a life sentence for the brutal murder of his daughter, Elizabeth. Her body was never found and Keaton was convicted largely on the testimony of Detective Sergeant Washington Poe.

So when a young woman staggers into a remote police station with irrefutable evidence that she is Elizabeth Keaton, Poe finds himself on the wrong end of an investigation, one that could cost him much more than his career.

Helped by the only person he trusts, the brilliant but socially awkward Tilly Bradshaw, Poe races to answer the only question that matters: how can someone be both dead and alive at the same time?

And then Elizabeth goes missing again – and all paths of investigation lead back to Poe.

(Synopsis from

Poe has got himself into more trouble in Black Summer. He does have a way of finding trouble and making enemies.

I always find it hard to read or even watch something when a character I like is being framed. But the way in which M.W Craven constructed the story made it more than just the frame job. As you have two things to figure out. How the original crime was committed and how Poe was framed. Both elements feed off each other which kept me engaged, as well as anxious for Poe.


Tilly Bradshaw is still one of my favourite characters. It’s great to see how much she had grown between The Puppet Show and Black Summer. I also enjoy the way in which Tukky Investigates and pulls the data to see things others have missed. Also that Peo will always credit Tilly for her work.

The case and investigation were really interesting. I loved the mix of character, the complex investigation and how people disliking doesn’t help the situation.

My Rating for Black Summer is 4.8 out of 5. 

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