Book Review, Fantasy, YA

Book Review: Realm Breaker (Realm Breaker #1) Victoria Averyard

Hi Cara,

Today on my blog I am reviewing Victoria Averyard new series Realm Breaker. 



A strange darkness grows in Allward.

Even Corayne an-Amarat can feel it, tucked away in her small town at the edge of the sea.

She soon discovers the truth: She is the last of an ancient lineage—and the last hope to save the world from destruction. But she won’t be alone. Even as darkness falls, she is joined by a band of unlikely companions:

A squire, forced to choose between home and honor.
An immortal, avenging a broken promise.
An assassin, exiled and bloodthirsty.
An ancient sorceress, whose riddles hide an eerie foresight.
A forger with a secret past.
A bounty hunter with a score to settle.

Together they stand against a vicious opponent, invincible and determined to burn all kingdoms to ash, and an army unlike anything the realm has ever witnessed. 

(Synopsis from 


Victoria Averyard has created an interesting and complex world in Realm Breaker.

There is a lot of world-building in Realm Breaker, and this is done by seeing the world from multiple points of view. Although I normally like multiple POV 's in a book I did find it hard to keep the different characters together in my mind. I did get a little confused in places. But the characters overall are an interesting bunch, it will be interesting to see how they will change.

The plot has lots of room to grow and I can see great potential, but when reading Realm Breaker I wasn't surprised with the direction it took or the characters' choices. 

My Rating for Realm Breaker is 3.5 out of 5. 

3.5 out of 5

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