Book Review, LGBTQ+, Science Fiction

Book Review: GameChanger by L.X Beckett

Hi Cara, 


Next book on the review block is GameChanger by L.X Beckett. 


First, there was the Setback. Then came the Clawback. Now humanity thrives.

Rubi Whiting is a member of the Bounceback Generation. The first to be raised free of the troubles of the late twenty-first century. Now she works as a public defender to help troubled individuals with anti-social behaviour. That’s how she met Luciano Pox.

Luce is a firebrand and has made a name for himself as a naysayer. But there’s more to him than being a lightning rod for controversy. Rubi has to find out why the governments of the world want to bring Luce into custody, and why Luce is hell-bent on stopping the recovery of the planet.

(synopsis from 


Gamechanger is jammed pack of action, drama in the real and virtual world. 

As there is so much going on it did take me over the 100 pages to start to understand what was happening. 

Gamechanger has a couple of different plots going on, all weaved together, which all work together to make the endgame dramatic. I am only going to mention some of the plot points as some later plot elements would spoil some aspect of the book. 

  • Rubi trying to help Luce ith his unsociable and negative virtual world rating. 
  • Anselmo trying to catch his ‘Unicorn’ to further his Interpol career. 
  • Rubi and Gimlet gaming life.
  • Gimlet balancing looking after her child while her family unit has issues.
  • Drow mental health and being a myth buster. 
  • Crane and other apps hiding they are sentient.

This is all happening in a world where you have no secrets, always being monitored, doing things for the greater good. (I don’t think I could cope in a world like that) 

The Bounceback generation is an interesting concept.A generation working to reverse the damage done by the previous generations. The damage that brought the world to near extinction. The way the world has been created so everyone is accountable, and if you arent that your social standing will suffer. 

The tech and gaming world in Gamechanger is unbelievable. Think Pokemon Go on steroids and a hell of a lot of other drugs. The virtual and real-world live side by side making it hard to no what is real and what isn’t. 

The last 20% of the book was my favourite parts as everything that has been previously built was coming to the conclusion. We get answers, action, romance and drama.  

Shout out to the fact in the virtual world it tells people the pronouns the person what to be identified with and people respect that choice. 

If you like books like The Last Reality series than pick up Gamechanger. 

My rating for Gamechanger is 3.6 out of 5. 

Thank you to @JamiedoesPR and Tor Books for sending me a finished copy of Gamechanger for a fair and honest review. 


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