Book Review, Fantasy, mystery, Sci-fi, Urban Fantasy

Book Review: Chosen Ones (Chosen Ones #1) by Veronica Roth

Hi Cara,

Today review is Chosen Ones by Veronica Roth. This is the first book I have read by Veronica Roth.

A decade ago near Chicago, five teenagers defeated the otherworldly enemy known as the Dark One, whose reign of terror brought widespread destruction and death. The seemingly un-extraordinary teens—Sloane, Matt, Ines, Albie, and Esther—had been brought together by a clandestine government agency because one of them was fated to be the “Chosen One,” prophesized to save the world. With the goal achieved, humankind celebrated the victors and began to mourn their lost loved ones.

Ten years later, though the champions remain celebrities, the world has moved forward and a whole, younger generation doesn’t seem to recall the days of endless fear. But Sloane remembers. It’s impossible for her to forget when the paparazzi haunt her every step just as the Dark One still haunts her dreams. Unlike everyone else, she hasn’t moved on; she’s adrift—no direction, no goals, no purpose. On the eve of the Ten Year Celebration of Peace, a new trauma hits the Chosen: the death of one of their own. And when they gather for the funeral at the enshrined site of their triumph, they discover to their horror that the Dark One’s reign never really ended.

(synopsis from

Chosen Ones surprised me in a good way. I thought the book would all be like part 1, but Part 2 and 3 were the game-changer.

One of my favourite elements of Chosen Ones is the mix of storytelling, Government reports and newspaper articles. It is a great way to find out more about the world and the characters with these different format types.

The none government reports and newspaper parts of the story are told in Sloane point of view. I think that Sloane is a character that you like or dislike and I liked her. Sloane is someone that doesn’t fit society mould of a female hero. She doesn’t smile or sign autographs, she is battling her own demons. I liked that it’s a real reflection on normal with trauma. Also that all of the ‘Chosen One’ deals with there trauma differently.

Veronica Roth writing style is easy to read, which makes getting lost in the storytelling easy. This is one of the books that when I had to put the book down to sleep I couldn’t stop thinking about it. And trying to guess what would happen next.

The book does have some twist and turns which kept me engaged. I was slightly disappointed with the ending as it felt anti-climatic after everything else that had happened. I am interested though in what will happens next for the characters and the world.

My Rating for Chosen Ones is 4.2 out of 5.


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