Curious Minds is the first book in a new series that follows eccentric billionaire Emerson Knight and Harvard graduate Riley Moon. Riley Moon has just graduated from Harvard and started her dream job working at Blane-Grunwald bank, her dream job doesn't seem so dreamy when she is assigned to babysit the handsome eccentric billionaire Emerson Knight. Knight want to see his Gold that he has inherited, but the head of the Blane-Grunwald is being weird about… Continue reading Curious Minds (Knight & Moon Mystery #1) By Janet Evanovich and Phoef Sutton
Month: November 2017
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (A Rise of the Empress Novel #1) by Julie C.Dao
Forest of a Thousand Lanterns was the book I received in my October FairyLoots Villainous box. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns is the retelling of the East Asian fantasy The Evil Queen,. Xifeng is a beautiful eighteen year old peasant girl who a been told her whole life, by her Evil Witch aunt Guma that she is destined to be the empresses. Xifeng is despite to leave her forgotten village in the middle of know where… Continue reading Forest of a Thousand Lanterns (A Rise of the Empress Novel #1) by Julie C.Dao
The Hanged Man (The Bone Field #2) by Simon Kernick
The Hanged Man is the second book in Simon Kernick The Bone Field series, although this book is part of a series, this book can be read as a standalone book. The book main protagonist of the book is DI Ray Mason, after being suspended he is now working with National Crime Agency on the Bone Field case with Dan Wells, Ray know the who is involved in the killing but he has no evidence to provide… Continue reading The Hanged Man (The Bone Field #2) by Simon Kernick
Otherworld (Otherworld #1) by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller
Otherworld was another book that I was lucky to get my hands on at YALC, the premise of the book grabbed my attention straight away. Otherworld is more than a game its the next step in reality, This is what the Company says on it new game, a virtual world where anything is possible and all your dreams will come true. James thought it would be like another other game, turns outs that real life… Continue reading Otherworld (Otherworld #1) by Jason Segel and Kirsten Miller
A Shiver of Snow and Sky by Lisa Lueddecke
A Shiver of Snow and Sky was on my watch list, and I was really happy to see it in my October Book Box Club box. A Shiver of Snow and Sky follows Osa a seventeen that lives on the island of Skane. Just as Osa was born the sky turned red, and a plague was unleashed on the island causing the death of hundreds of people even Osa mother. Seventeen years later and the… Continue reading A Shiver of Snow and Sky by Lisa Lueddecke