Hi Ore,Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Sora has been on my radar for a little bit, the name and the cover really got me intrigued. I was lucky enough to get hold of a ARC copy of the book at YALC. Eldra is a city that has been ruled by ancient prophecies for centuries. The High Council look after and interpret the prophecies, this is turns keeps the High Council in power. After years of control, there are people on the High Council are more interested in keeping power than doing what is best for Eldra. Cassa is the daughter of rebels that lead an unsuccessful rebellion against the High Council.  Cassa is determined that the High Council must pay for the crimes it has committed against her parents, and the people of Eldra. With her friends Evander, Newt and Alys they plan to bring the High Council but end up finding out about an final infallible prophecy, which won’t only bring down the High Council but could destroy the city they love. Beneath the Citadel, is fast paced, dark, gripping and a gritty book that kept me guessing what was going to happen next.  The Author Destiny Sora has created this amazing world,  One of the favour elements are the with people who have their own abilities or people who can be given abilities. The world has three different types of people;1: Normal people who have no special abilities.2: People that are born with abilities to see prophecies. Read fortunes and see in to the very near future , Remove or give back people’s memories. Lastly people the can read thoughts and see people’s past. 3: Normal people who have been bonded with an element, like sliver or iron. This gives them control of said element. Which Element would you bonded too? I would be sliver. I can’t decided which ability I would have, I don’t like the idea of looking into people minds. If I had the ability to see the near future, I would end up only using it to see the lottery numbers haha. Beneath the Citadel lives the executioner Solan Tavish, he is an important character as he the reason certain things happen. I spent a lot of the book trying to figure him out. He is a character you want to trust but something telling you he might not be trustworthy at all.It appeals to me that the chapters are from the different character POV.  It make it really interesting seeing how the story unfolds from every angle. There are also some chapter that go into the past to give more context. Another element I liked was the fact there is a budding same-sex relationship in the book. I’ve got a soft spot for the fact that the characters are focused on the way the person makes them feel, and not the gender.Â
I give this book 4 out of 5.Â
Thank you to Abrams & Chronicles for coming to YALC and giving me a copy of this book. If you enjoyed this post, Id love it if you help it spread by emailing it to a friend. Or sharing it on Twitter or any other social media platform. If you don’t want to miss any of my posts, don’t forget to sign up for email notification. Thanks for Reading,Gem x