Unleashed by Peter Laws Matthew Hunter series that follows ex victor, now professors of sociology of religion who help out the police with crime with a religious angle. This book is set a couple of months after the events in Purged, Matt has finally finished the difficult 1st book and is doing ‘press’ for the book. He is brought into a case as rare religious symbols are left with the body. When the case looks open and… Continue reading Unleashed (Matt Hunter #2) by Peter Law
Tag: Matt Hunter
Purged (Matt Hunter #1) by Peter Law
Purged is the first book by Peter Law, a Baptist Minster who has mixed crime fiction and religion. The book follows Matt Hunter a Sociology professor who once was a former Minister many years ago. Matt lost his faith and started studying religion and debunks it, this knowledge has helped him assisted the police in religiously motivated crime. Matt wife has been asked to submit a design for a church. She is allowed to take her… Continue reading Purged (Matt Hunter #1) by Peter Law