I picked up The Final Murder by Anne Holt due to the description on the back of the book. The story revolves around the murder of “Celebrities” in different and gruesome manner. The problem that Superintendent Adam Stubo faces is a case with no connection between the victims and no evidence. The only thing that he has is a pattern that his wife Johanne Vik sees, and if this theory is correct this could mean Adam and Johanne life in danger.
I found enjoyed the twist in the story and how it slowly piece together. The book is multilayered with the focus changing from the case, to Adam and Johanne. Also part of the book focusing different characters.It helped give a more real feel as she can see how the case impacts on other people, and what the police end up finding out when they are looking for a killer.
My only problem that I had was the writing style, the writing had a different rhythm to what I am use to and what my brain could easily process. Also I has an issue with the names, I couldn’t tell by the name the gender which cause me the confusion on the characters so I had to keep going back to reminding myself.
I really enjoyed the characters of Adam and Johanne and would like to see what happens to them next, but it wouldn’t be a book series that I am in a rush to read.
I give this book 3 out of 5.
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Thanks for reading
Gem x