
Feminism Friday

HI Cari Amici,


After going to a Waterstones blogger event win Manchester where the topic was Feminism I thought it was about time I did a blog post on the subject. 

When I was in the third year at university I took two Feminism course, studying feminism in film and the theatre. I was surprised when my lecturer asked who would consider them a feminist, I was the only one to put my hand up. This was 10 years ago and a lot has change since then. But I was surprised, I think that Feminism has a bad wrap for many years, that it was all out hating man who the pursuit of equality.  Feminism is defined as he advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.


I thought I would nice change to share some great books if you want to learn about amazing women and feminism. 


Feminism is … Foreword by Gemma Carney published by DK Books

This book is a great way to learn more about the feminism, its movement . It covers so many different topic from language, domestic violence. the male gaze etc. Also has Biography of some amazing feminists as well. 


Women who changed the world: The Most Remarkable women in the last 100 years, published by Octopus books

The women in Women who change the world have been placed in categories. The book show women from;

  • Humanity and Liberty 
  • Science 
  • Medicine
  • Technology
  • Space and the enviroment
  • Politics
  • Culture and Society
  • The Arts. 

They all have a page dedicated to each women, in that page you get to no the highlight of that woman.  One of my favourite was Helen Keller, she was deaf and blind but that didn’t stop her. Her parents were amazing in finding people to work with her when they realised her immense hunger for knowledge. She want on to become an author, lecturer and activist. She  was able to convince powerful members of society the value of education disabled children. This improved the future and quality of life of disabled children. 


Girl Squad: 20 Female Friendships That Changed the History by Sam Maggs published by Quirk Books. 


Female friendship are an amazing thing, and this book show it. This book show us the power of friendship and support. Again Girl Squad is split in to categories 

  • Athlete Squads

  • Political & Activist Squads
Warrior Squads

  • Scientist Squads

  • Artist Squads

One of my favourite stories from this book is about the Edinburgh seven, the first women to be accepted into med school in the UK. The work that they achieved made it possible for women to be doctors. 



Fearless and Fantastic Female Super Heroes save the Word by Marvel published by DK Books. 


Fearless and Fantastic is a slight departure from the above books. I have added this one as it show the female representation in the media. Marvel has become a Global sensation with it comic movies and t.v shows. Although a very male driven genre, Marvel have create so amazing female superhero to show that it not just men that can save the world. 


My marvel knowledge is made up from the films and T.V shows, so I enjoyed learning about some female heroes that I had never heard of before. It also has some great comic book art in. 


Women our History foreword by Lucy Worsley published by DK Books. 

If you could only pick one book that would give you a round knowledge of women in history and feminism. I would advise to pick this one up. People many know the saying; history is always written by the winners. This means a lot of women in history would have been ignores or written out to prove male supremacy. 

Women our History split by years, and shows the evolution of women and the feminism movement. I think I will always be learning from this book, I can pick it up and any part will interest me. An example of this is Barbara Hillary, at 76 years old she become the first African-American woman to reach both North and South Polls. I’m 30 and I could not do that. 


Women our History has some amazing photo in it as well, one of my favourite is women installing fixture in the tail section of a B-17f bomber fuselage in 1942.



I am planning to collect more books about amazing women and feminism so that I can have a dedicated book shelf for books all about Amazing women. What books do you know of that celebrate women, let me know in the comments. 


Thank you to DK Books and Quirk for provided me the books for free for either a review or promoting the books. 


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Thanks for reading,

Gem x