Book Review, Fantasy, YA

Book Review: A Sky Beyond the Storm (An Ember in the Ashes #4) by Sabaa Tahir

Hi Cara,


Today I am reviewing the final book in, An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir. I don’t know if I am ready to say goodbye to all the character in A Sky Beyond the Storm. 

The previous books in the series are;

  1. An Ember in the Ashes
  2. A Torch Against the Darkness
  3. A Reaper at the Gate

The long-imprisoned jinn are on the attack, wreaking bloody havoc in villages and cities alike. But for the Nightbringer, vengeance on his human foes is just the beginning.

At his side, Commandant Keris Veturia declares herself Empress, and calls for the heads of any and all who defy her rule. At the top of the list? The Blood Shrike and her remaining family.

Laia of Serra, now allied with the Blood Shrike, struggles to recover from the loss of the two people most important to her. Determined to stop the approaching apocalypse, she throws herself into the destruction of the Nightbringer. In the process, she awakens an ancient power that could lead her to victory–or to an unimaginable doom.

And deep in the Waiting Place, the Soul Catcher seeks only to forget the life–and love–he left behind. Yet doing so means ignoring the trail of murder left by the Nightbringer and his jinn. To uphold his oath and protect the human world from the supernatural, the Soul Catcher must look beyond the borders of his own land. He must take on a mission that could save–or destroy–all that he knows.


(Synopsis from 

A Sky Beyond the Storm captures everything I would want in a final book.

Sabaa Tahir has packed so much drama and action into every page. There is truly no dull moment. When I was around page 160 I couldn’t believe how much has happened already and couldn’t believe how much was still to come.

The book chapters take the form of the characters points of view. The main points of views are Laia, Elias and Helena. Although there are chapters from a couple of other characters. I like having the chapters from different character POV, it just brings so much more to the story. And show how big the story is. It also reminds you how all the characters are created. 


I am trying to articulate how much I enjoyed this book. So I am going to the good old bullet points;

  • Character Growth
  • Action
  • Romance
  • Emotional reactions
  • Revelations
  • Magic
  • Fighting / battles
  • Humour. 

A Sky Beyond the Storm ending makes sense for the characters, the Empire and its people. Thee a heartbreak and loss but I came into the book knowing Sabaa wouldn’t; end a series without making me cry. 

I will miss this world and its characters.


Overall my Rating for A Sky Beyond the Storm is 5 out of 5.


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